I want included-including templates to be able to act independently
from each other.  I want the including template to not have to know
anything about the particulars of the template it's including.

I want to be able to write {%include magic_template%} and
magic_template would be a url that would get mapped to its own view
function, which would do complex database access operations, open
sockets, do business logic, whatever, before returning

I have dozens of pages.  All of those pages are different from each
other, but they all have one thing in common -- they include
ticker.html.  Now this ticker.html requires certain variables to be
pre-populated.  Right now, I have to manually attach every single one
of those variables to every single view function for every single page.
 If I need to add another variable, I'll have to paste its name into
dozens of "render_to_response" statements.  This is a maintenance mess.
 And every single page is obliged to know that it's including
ticker.html, because it has to pass variables to it.  That's an
architectural mess.

So I'm looking for a way to include a template, passing it variables,
without ever having to type the names of those variables into anything.

Is this a better explanation?

Corey Oordt wrote:
> Mae,
> I think it may be because we're not sure of what you are asking for.
> I know it didn't really make sense to me when I red it the first time.
> What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
> Corey
> On Aug 25, 2006, at 10:35 AM, Mae wrote:
> >
> > Nobody?  Is it because I asked the question wrong or because there
> > just
> > is no answer?
> >
> > Mae
> >
> >
> > >

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