On Apr 26, 11:50 pm, "." <nkw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have several questions connected with custom commands.
> 1. How to delete anything from this dict? Is there a specific method
> for this? [1]
> >>> Poll.objects.all()
> [<Poll: Poll object>]

This is not a dict, it's a QuerySet containing one single Poll
instance. Deleting model instances can be done either on the instance
itself or at the Queryset level for a batch delete. It's _of course_
all documented in the FineManual here: 

> 2. How to get rid of default options (which are available from --help
> (traceback, verbosity etc.))? Those are handled by
> BaseCommand.option_list. But I haven't found a way to write a class
> without them.

Just redefine your Command class option_list:

class MyBadCommand(BaseCommand):
    option_list = () # no options at all...

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