
I am just finishing deploying my django application using Apache 2.2.0
and mod_wsgi. Things seemed to be going just fine until I hit code
that called on a specific one of my models. It looks like this:

class DictionaryField(models.Field):
    description = _("Dictionary object")

    __metaclass__ = models.SubfieldBase

class Review(models.Model):
        bid = models.CharField(max_length=57,primary_key=True)
        feature_dict = DictionaryField(blank=True)
        position = models.IntegerField()
        reviewer_id = models.CharField(max_length=57)

When the following query is called in my view function:

rev = Review.objects.get(bid=b_id)

Execution halts on this command. Other models work fine, even ones
with my hackish DictionaryField. There's no error message in the
Apache Log, nothing. What could be going on here?

Thanks in advance!


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