
What is the best way to track down these types of errors?

in ntw.urls I have: (r'^checkout/', include('checkout.urls')),

in checkout I have:
urlpatterns = patterns('checkout.views',
    #(r'^$', 'show_checkout', {'template_name': 'checkout/checkout.html' }, 
    (r'^receipt/$', 'receipt', {'template_name': 'checkout/receipt.html' 

if I comment out receipt, the error goes away.

in checkout.views
def receipt(request, template_name='checkout/receipt.html'):
    """ page displayed with order information after an order has been 
placed successfully """
    order_number = request.session.get('order_number','')
    if order_number:
        order = Order.objects.filter(id=order_number)[0]
        order_items = OrderItem.objects.filter(order=order)
        #cart_url = urlresolvers.reverse('show_cart')
       # return HttpResponseRedirect(cart_url)
    return render_to_response(template_name, locals(), 

ImportError at /

No module named models

Request Method:GETRequest URL: 
Type:ImportErrorException Value:

No module named models

in <module>, line 5Python Executable:C:\Python27\python.exePython Version:
2.7.3Python Path:


Server time:Wed, 6 Feb 2013 13:30:58 -0500
Error during template rendering

In template 
error at line *22*
No module named models12{% endblock %} 13 14{% block shopping_cart %} 15<img 
src="/static/img/shopping_cart.png"/> 16<img src="/static/img/basket.png"/> 
17{% endblock %} 18 19{% block non_tire_categories %} 20<h3>Categories</h3> 
21{% for row in active_categories %} 22 <a href="{% url category row.id %}">{{ 
row.name }} </a><br /> 23{% endfor %}

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