I'm really hitting a wall on this issue...maybe there's someone out there 
who has insight on this.

In this application there is an Employee model with its accompanying table 
in the database. In order to track the "effective dates" of certain fields, 
I have removed those columns from the table, and have moved them to a table 
with the following structure:
* id
* employee_id
* field
* value
* effective_start_date
(where 'field' can be any of the original column names)
I have created a function that takes a list of employees and pre-fetches 
the related data (the values for fields that are "active" at a given time. 
Note that this has nothing to do with django's prefetch_related 
To avoid code duplication, I'd like to have this function run any time the 
queryset is evaluated (when the results are fetched from the database and 
the list of employees is generated). I've already created a custom QuerySet 
class. However I don't know where to put this function so it is run on the 
resulting list of employees upon queryset evaluation.

For reference the current setup is as follows:

from django import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import BaseUserManager from collections 
import defaultdict

class EmployeeQuerySet(models.query.QuerySet):
    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ If getting a single employee, automatically apply the current 
data fields """
        employee = super(EmployeeQuerySet, self).get(*args, **kwargs)
        print "...prefetching the data for a single employee..."
        prefetch_employee_data([employee]) # this function is defined 
below, but would normally be defined first for obvious reasons
        return employee

class EmployeeManager(BaseUserManager):

    def get_query_set(self):
        return EmployeeQuerySet(self.model)

class Employee(models.Model):
    objects = EmployeeManager()

    first_name = models.CharField(max_length=20)

class EmployeeData(models.Model):
    employee = ForeignKey(Employee, related_name='data')
    field = CharField(max_length=20, ...)
    value = CharField(max_length=50, ...)
    effective_date = DateField()

function prefetch_employee_data(employees):
    """ Prefetches employee data for a list of employees """
    today = datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    employee_ids_string = ','.join([str(x.id) for x in employees]) 

    # This query obtains the values for the fields that are effective as of 
today. It's a raw query since I wasn't able to create this within django's 
    data_query = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM core_employeedata WHERE 
effective_date <= '%s' AND employee_id IN (%s) ORDER BY effective_date 
DESC) t GROUP BY t.employee_id, t.field" %(today, employee_ids_string)

    data = get_model('core', 'EmployeeData').objects.raw(data_query)

    data_dict = defaultdict(list) # the keys are employee id, the values 
are list of tuples (field, value), obtained from the data records, for the 
given employee
    for record in data:
        data_dict[record.employee_id].append( (record.field, record.value) )

    # apply the data to the employees
    for employee in employees:
        for field, value in data_dict.get(employee.id, []):
            setattr(employee, field, value)


I have the following employee:
| id | first_name |
| 10 | Jane       |

I then have the following data records for the above employee:

| id  | employee_id | field      | value | effective_date |
| 1   |          10 | department | A     | 2016-09-10     |
| 2   |          10 | department | B     | 2016-10-02     |
| 3   |          10 | manager    | Bob   | 2016-10-13     |

So in a shell:

>>> employee = Employee.objects.get(id=10)
...prefetching the data for a single employee...
>>> employee.first_name
>>> # Even though these aren't actual fields on the Employee class, the 
>>> attributes now exist because of the prefetch_employee_data() 
>>> function
>>> employee.department # Note that the EmployeeData record with id #1 
>>> above is ignored because a newer value exists (id #2)
>>> employee.manager


So as you can see, I can call the function on a single employee when the 
get() method is invoked, and it works exactly as expected.

I now need to know where to place this function call when the 
EmployeeQuerySet is evaluated (when the data is fetched from the database). 
The problem is that since querysets are lazy, it's not as simple as 
overriding the fetch() method of the queryset.

Thanks in advance!!!

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