Thank you, Todor. I'll try.

вторник, 23 мая 2017 г., 3:27:00 UTC+5 пользователь Todor Velichkov написал:
> Hello, Дмитрий,
> you can try this one, but w/o further optimizations it may be a very slow 
> query.
> qs = Product.objects.filter(
>     #Where score is greater or equal
>     #to the 4th max score from its group
>     score__gte=Subquery(
>         (Product.objects
>             .filter(brand=OuterRef('brand'))
>             .values('score')
>             .order_by('-score')[3:4]
>         )
>     )
> ).order_by('-score')
> On Friday, May 19, 2017 at 12:32:49 PM UTC+3, Горобец Дмитрий wrote:
>> Hello. I have these two models. I have to show 4 or less products on a page 
>> for each brand ordered by score. Please, help construct correct queryset.
>> class Brand(models.Model):
>>     title = models.CharField(
>>         verbose_name='Название бренда',
>>         max_length=64,
>>         unique=True,
>>         db_index=True,
>>         error_messages={
>>             'unique': 'Бренд с таким именем уже существует.'
>>         }
>>     )
>>     slug = AutoSlugField(
>>         verbose_name='Адрес страницы бренда',
>>         populate_from='title',
>>         editable=True,
>>         unique=True,
>>         slugify=custom_slugify,
>>         db_index=True
>>     )
>>     owner = models.OneToOneField(
>>         to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL,
>>         verbose_name='Владелец',
>>         on_delete=models.PROTECT,
>>     )
>>     score = models.DecimalField(
>>         verbose_name='Рейтинг бренда',
>>         blank=True,
>>         null=True,
>>         max_digits=19,
>>         decimal_places=18,
>>     )
>> class Product(models.Model):
>>     title = models.CharField(
>>         verbose_name='Название изделия',
>>         max_length=255,
>>         db_index=True,
>>     )
>>     slug = AutoSlugField(
>>         verbose_name='Адрес страницы изделия',
>>         populate_from='title',
>>         editable=False,
>>         unique_with='brand',
>>         slugify=custom_slugify,
>>         db_index=True,
>>     )
>>     brand = models.ForeignKey(
>>         to=Brand,
>>         verbose_name='Бренд',
>>         related_name='products',
>>         on_delete=models.CASCADE,
>>     )

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