borntonetwork wrote:
I have a model object called Customer. It contains the typical
attributes/fields you might expect  (name, street, apt, city, state,
etc). Among these fields are 3 called home_phone, work_phone, and
cell_phone. In the admin web interface, I need to ensure that the user
must enter data into at least one of the 3 fields -- doesn't matter
which one.


I think the solution that would require minimal hacking is to attach a
custom validator to your phone fields via the validator_list attribute:

class RequiredIfNoneGiven(object):
   def __init__(self, other_field_names,
error_message=gettext_lazy("Please enter something for at least one
       self.others, self.error_message = other_field_names,
       self.always_test = True

   def __call__(self, field_data, all_data):
       other_values = [all_data.get(other) for other in self.others]
       other_values = [value for value in other_values if value]
       if not other_values and not field_data:
           raise ValidationError, self.error_message

class Customer(models.Model)
   home_phone = models.YourField(...,
validator_list=[RequiredIfNoneGiven(['work_phone', 'cell_phone'])])
   work_phone = models.YourField(...,
validator_list=[RequiredIfNoneGiven(['home_phone', 'cell_phone'])])
   cell_phone = models.YourField(...,
validator_list=[RequiredIfNoneGiven(['home_phone', 'work_phone'])])

So I *think* that will make it look nice when someone violates this
rule in the admin interface.  You can change the validation semantics
in the __call__ method.

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