> Hello,
> I have a site that offers a bunch of appartments for rent. Each of
> these rentals has a image gallery showing the look&feel of that place.
> My models currently look like this:
> class Photo( models.Model ):
>     name = models.ImageField( upload_to='rentals' )
> class Rental( model.Model ):
>     gallery = models.ManyToManyField( Photo )
> But after about 20 rentals with about 10 photo's each, it get very
> hard to search to the m2m field to find the correct photo. Also all
> photo's are stored in the same directory (/media/rentrals) (including
> thumbnails), which gets really confusing.
> I have tried placing with references between Photo and Rental, also
> tried a 3rd class "Gallery" as binding class, but that all does not
> really do what I want.
> Also that cannot be unique, because for a blog I can imagine the same,
> that you only what to see images you uploaded for a specific blog, so
> perhaps someone has already solved this.
> What I would like to have a that each rental item has its own, unique,
> gallery, that also stores the photo's in a seperate directory that
> maches the id of the rental item. How whould I go about this ?

If a gallery is unique to a rantal, why use a n:m relationship? You 
should be able to use a 1:m if each photo is associated with exactly one 
rental. As to putting the images in rental-specific sub-directories, can 
you make the association from photo to rental explicit and do this?

  class Photo( models.Model ):
      def __init__(self):
          Super(Photo, self).__init__()
          self.name.fields.upload_to = self.name.fields.upload_to \
            + '/%d/' % self.id

or something along those lines.


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