On 4/25/07, Jin Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1) how fast is django in Windows, specifically w/ SQL Server?

Most people use Django under Linux, but I understand many people use
apache + prefork + mod_python with good success.

> 2) Are there any known bugs or shortcomings with the SQL Server driver for
> python? Can it be considered ready for production?

There are two python drivers for SQL Server.  One is adodbapi and one
is pymssql.  Django does not support either of these at this time.

SQL Server support is a frequent point of discussion.
The most recent one is this one:

Long story short, there are a fair number of people interested in
there being support, but no champion to complete it yet.

> 3) Does django integrate well with an existing database and one with legacy
> tables?

Yes, see django-admin.py introspect.

> Can it handle PKs that are not integer types?

Yes, though Django does not support composite keys.

>  Does it provide a
> mechanism to run your own SQL code?

Yes.  If you can give some better context for the use case, I might be
able to provide a more thorough answer.

> 4) Does django integrate with multiple database instances?

Not currently.  There's been some work on a branch, but it is
apparently stalled:

> 5) Using apache, can you run a pool of django processes so that if one user
> is doing something particularly heavy, it doesnt slow down the entire site?
> (Basically what you do with Apache balancer and mongrels in ruby)

The typical deployment uses Apache prefork, which are indeed separate
processes.  Some people also use worker, which is threaded.  Python
has better threading support than Ruby, or so I hear.

> Thank you all very much,

It looks like Django may not currently meet all your needs.  Let us
know if we can answer any more questions.


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