On Jun 5, 9:04 am, Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maybe a better way of asking this question would be this:
> What's a reasonable memory footprint for each apache child process?

The bulk of memory consumption used by the Apache child processes will
be from your own application. Thus, run your application under Django
development server, with DEBUG off, and exercise as much functionality
as you can to see what the process size grows to. In other words, only
you can work this out.

On top of your own applications memory consumption will be base
overhead from Apache modules. To work that out simple matter of
configuring an Apache with the same Apache modules that you expect to
use and startup Apache. Then look at initial size of Apache child
processes. Again, only you can work this out as we will not know what
Apache modules you intend using.

Do be mindful that a deficient Python installation, ie., no shared
library, not optimised and not stripped can add a more to this
overhead (allow up to extra 3MB per process in worst case) so try and
find out whether the web hosting company has a decent Python
installation for production use.

How much more memory will be required for Apache child processes now
depends on whether you are going to use prefork or worker MPM. A
worker MPM will have more memory overhead due to memory consumption of
creating and managing all the threads. You might allow 1MB per process
as a rough start.

The three amounts above added together will give you a rough value for
the Apache child process size. You would then want some amount of
buffer on top of that to account for per request overhead.

How this extrapolates out to a whole box now depends on whether you
intend using prefork or worker MPM. If you use prefork you will have
lots more processes and thus overall memory consumption for the box is
more. If you use worker MPM then less processes and thus less overall
memory use. Some will say that using worker MPM is bad because of
concurrency issues on multi processor/core machines, but that isn't
really true, as a lot of Apache stuff is still in C code and not GIL
constrained and other processes can still use other processors.

The Django site I believe still says to use prefork, but no one has
ever been able to say why when I have challenged this point. There are
lots of people using worker MPM and if worker MPM didn't work then
Windows wouldn't be able to be used either and no one says not to use

In other words, recommend using worker MPM over prefork MPM if you
have a choice as that will allow you to do more with a more memory
constrained box.

Anyway, there are a few guidelines so you can work it out for
yourself. No one is really going to be able to give you any figures as
it really depends on your application and how you want to setup
Apache. Also depends on how you setup mod_python as well and whether
you can get away with one Python interpreter or need more for some


> >From there we can extrapolate request/sec and concurrency to get a
> rough estimate of the total RAM needs.
> Obviously if we were buliding our own machine, we'd stock if full of
> RAM, but we're evaluating VPS right now, so we're just trying to see
> what's feasible.
> On Jun 4, 3:03 am, "James Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 6/4/07, Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > What are some ballpark memory figures (memory vs requests/sec or
> > > concurrent connections) for people running django on Apache prefork w/
> > >mod_python? Would, say, 150 requests/sec for a 2GB memory allocation
> > > seem reasonable?
> > As always: it depends.
> > > I understand that each application is different, and each apache
> > > deployment can be tuned for different needs; like I said, I'm just
> > > trying to get a ballpark.
> > The problem is that we don't know anything about the setup. Is the
> > single physical machine doing Apache/mod_python, a media server and
> > your database (and possibly caching as well)? Are any of those running
> > on separate machines? What are your MaxClients and
> > MaxRequestsPerChild?
> > Which is a roundabout way of reiterating that there is no rule, or
> > even rule of thumb, for "X amount of memory will serve X requests per
> > second" -- the configuration of Apache, and the other services running
> > on the machine (and hence competing for resources) can so drastically
> > affect performance and resource consumption that there's simply no way
> > to even give a ballpark figure.
> > --
> > "Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of 
> > correct."

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