On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 6:30 PM, phoebebright <phoebebright...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I thought I had a custom widget which would allow images to be deleted
> working and was dead chuffed (http://groups.google.com/group/django-
> users/browse_thread/thread/ebf646208fa8880f/c22f87e85b5d78ef?
> lnk=gst&q=admin+image#c22f87e85b5d78ef<http://groups.google.com/group/django-%0Ausers/browse_thread/thread/ebf646208fa8880f/c22f87e85b5d78ef?%0Alnk=gst&q=admin+image#c22f87e85b5d78ef>)
> but unfortunately it doesn't
> work.  I have spent the whole evening trying to work out what exactly
> is going on and have to admit defeat.
> The widget adds a delete checkbox next to each image as well as
> displaying it, then in the save_model() method it checks to see if
> this checkbox was set and clears the field if it is.
>  def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
>            #handle delete checkbox for pics
>            if request.POST.get('delete_pic1','off')=='on':
>                obj.pic1=''
> This is what happens:
> 1. create a new record and add an image - OK
> 2. edit the record - image is displayed - make no changes and click
> save - OK
> 3. edit the record again and the image is gone - NOT OK!
> This is my thinking so far:
> I wondered if I needed to set the value when assigning the widget to
> the field, but as the image is displayed in step 2, I recon not.
> I tried also saving the value of pic in a hidden field and modifying
> save_model
>            if request.POST.get('delete_pic2','off')=='on':
>                obj.pic2=''
>            else:
>                obj.pic2=request.POST.get('old_pic2','')
> But it never even gets uploaded in step 1. So I tried:
>           try:
>                p=request.FILES.get('pic1')
>            except:
>                if request.POST.get('delete_pic1','off')=='on':
>                    obj.pic1=''
> And this goes back to the behaviour in the original step.
> I have tried putting in various breaks in the django code in files.py
> to try and understand what is happening but my lack of debugging
> skills are not helping!  The client is expecting to see this tomorrow
> so despite having plagued this list today with my problems, I hope to
> prevail upon you to help me one more time...
> >
If you are on trunk it looks like you are experiencing
http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/10121 .


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