Dear all!

My Django project comes in 3 copies:

- svn repository
- local development on my pc
- real web site

I use an sqlite file to store my data. I keep it in my project folder

My workflow:

- work locally
- update the svn repo
- log onto the web server and run an update from the svn repo

However, on updating the website, I must be very *careful* and run a
selective update/merge: I must not overwrite the data.db file which is
on the web server and actually the most important piece of the story.

Also, I need to perform backups of my sqlite data file. So I log onto
the webserver and commit data.db to the svn repo.

Does this structure/workflow make any sense? Should I rather keep
data.db out of my svn repo and use a different tool to perform the
backup (e.g.: cron + rsync)?

Any tips/feedback appreciated!

If you think this is too much of an Svn issue rather than a Django
one, I apologize and won't push it any further.

Thank you very much,

Fabio Natali

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