On Sat, 2009-03-21 at 03:31 -0700, Dan Ward wrote:
> What I'd like to do, to simplify the interface for end users, is
> provide three separate ModelAdmins for each page type, so in the
> Django admin site I'd like to have "Web Site Pages", "Video Pages",
> "Message Pages", as apposed to the current one-for-all "Pages"
> option.
> Obviously each of the three ModelAdmins should only allow for
> manipulating data (in the Pages model) that is relevant to to the
> given 'page_type'.
> I've tried creating two ModelAdmins and registering each for the same
> Model, but that throws an AlreadyRegistered exception, plus I can't
> see that way how I'd filter data to a specific 'page_type' in the
> Model.

You can only have one ModelAdmin registered per model per admin site.
ModelAdmin is the class that defines *the* admin interface for that
model with that site, so the error is reasonable.

That's the bad news. The semi-good news is that you're probably thinking
about this at the wrong level of abstraction. You're wanting to do
something a bit fiddly, so it's not going to be too surprising that you
have to roll up your sleeves a bit here. I suspect what you want is
possible, though, with a little code reading and work (without being

You seem to be saying you really want a different form displayed for
each type of page. Presumably it's easy to tell which type of form
should be displayed -- at least, you can work it out from the incoming

That term "form" is the clue. Inside the ModelAdmin class, there's some
code (we can guess this without even reading the implementation) that
constructs the form to display. Fortunately, that code is in its own
method, begging you to override it. Have a look at ModelAdmin.get_form()
-- it seems to be exactly the thing you want to override.

So, in your ModelAdmin subclass, you write your own get_form() method
that uses the request to return the right type of ModelForm for your
situation. I think that should completely solve your problem.

If not, come back with questions and some explanation of what isn't
working or how I've entirely misunderstood your problem.


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