On Sun, 2009-07-26 at 15:15 -0700, LuXo Jarufe wrote:
> Hi, I want to use the admin but I have this problem, I was following
> the tutorial in djangoproject but when I execute the admin this
> appears:
> TemplateDoesNotExist at /admin/


In settings.py you have a setting named ... TEMPLATE_DIRS

If you're not specifying any template dirs, then that gets defaulted to
the settings in global_settings.py (comes in the django package).

To see the difference between your configuration, and global_settings,
use the following command:

   python manage.py diffsettings

Then add the template directories that are missing.

In case you've written templates for your own views, then you don't need
to specify the templates directory in settings.py, as long as the
directory is "<your app dir>/templates" ... that should get picked up by

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