Nope. Sorry for misdescription... Same error is "TypeError: 'slug' is
an invalid keyword argument" when using:
new_element = Element(title="title",,
source=source_object, slug="slug")

And the same "_mysql_exceptions.Warning: Field 'slug' doesn't have a
default value" when using:
new_element = Element(title="title",,
new_element.slug = "slug"

The same errors from an outer script. From the shell or admin site -
works still fine...

On Dec 12, 5:56 pm, Shawn Milochik <> wrote:
> On Dec 12, 2009, at 8:08 AM, tezro wrote:
> > Nope. Did it again on a clean project with the same models migrated
> > then by South.
> > Same error. Any other clues?
> > Thanks for replies.
> When you say "same error," do you mean this one: "Duplicate key name 
> 'news_element_slug'"?
> If so, then it appears that, despite the clean project, it's not a clean 
> database. Try using sqlite3 temporarily, or change the model name from News 
> to NewsTest or something.
> Shawn


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