Hello, Olivier, and thank you for your email.

Per RFC 7489, dmarc-request isn't actually required for some valid DMARC

I direct your attention to
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7489#section-7.1, Verifying
External Destinations, in which a third-party domain that is going to
receive reports for a different domain is directed to publish a DMARC
record that contains only "v=DMARC1;".

On Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 11:40 AM Olivier Hureau <
olivier.hur...@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am doing some research related to DMARC and I found some errors in the 
> RFC7489 and dmarcbis-07 for ABNF rules
> - dmarc-percent RFC7489 :
> The rule 'dmarc-percent = "pct" *WSP "=" *WSP 1*3DIGIT' allow '999' as a 
> value.
> a corretion could be : 'dmarc-percent = "pct" *WSP "=" *WSP ("100" / 
> 1*2DIGIT)'
> - dmarc-record RFC7489 :
> The rule 'dmarc-record = dmarc-version dmarc-sep
>                        [dmarc-request]
>                        [dmarc-sep dmarc-srequest]
>                        [dmarc-sep dmarc-auri]
>                        [dmarc-sep dmarc-furi]
>                        [dmarc-sep dmarc-adkim]
>                        [dmarc-sep dmarc-aspf]
>                        [dmarc-sep dmarc-ainterval]
>                        [dmarc-sep dmarc-fo]
>                        [dmarc-sep dmarc-rfmt]
>                        [dmarc-sep dmarc-percent]
>                        [dmarc-sep]'
> have dmarc-request as optional but in 6.3 it says that p is "required"
> Then i did take a look at draft-ietf-dmarc-dmarcbis-07 and the problem is 
> still there :
> - dmarc-record dmarcbis-07 !
> 'darc-record    = dmarc-version dmarc-sep *(dmarc-tag dmarc-sep)
>  dmarc-tag       = dmarc-request /
>                        dmarc-test /
>                        dmarc-psd /
>                        dmarc-sprequest /
>                        dmarc-nprequest /
>                        dmarc-adkim /
>                        dmarc-aspf /
>                        dmarc-auri /
>                        dmarc-furi /
>                        dmarc-fo /
>                        dmarc-rfm'
> Should be replaced by :
> 'dmarc-record    = dmarc-version dmarc-sep dmarc-request dmarc-sep 
> *(dmarc-tag dmarc-sep)
> dmarc-tag       =      dmarc-test /
>                        dmarc-psd /
>                        dmarc-sprequest /
>                        dmarc-nprequest /
>                        dmarc-adkim /
>                        dmarc-aspf /
>                        dmarc-auri /
>                        dmarc-furi /
>                        dmarc-fo /
>                        dmarc-rfm'
> Moreover, On rfc7489 the last "dmarc-sep" is optional meaning that for all 
> txt records
> such as the one for gmail.com "v=DMARC1; p=none; sp=quarantine; 
> rua=mailto:mailauth-repo...@google.com <mailauth-repo...@google.com>" the 
> system administrator
> must add a ";" at the end. To avoid this source of error i suggest to change 
> the ABNF as :dmarc-record    = dmarc-version dmarc-sep dmarc-request *( 
> dmarc-sep dmarc-tag ) [ dmarc-sep ]
> - dmarc-fo dmarcbis-07 :
> the rule '  dmarc-fo = "fo" *WSP "=" *WSP ( "0" / "1" / ( "d" / "s" / "d:s" / 
> "s:d" ) )' does not allow the user to have both DMARC failure report
> and DKIM/SPF failure report at the same time as '0:d', '1:d' is not allowed.
> Best regards,
> Olivier HUREAU
> ---
> PhD Student
> Laboratoire Informatique Grenoble - UGA - Drakkar
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