On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 04:47:32PM -0700, Go Linux wrote:
> A link to Revolution OS was recently posted on irc.  I had never 
> seen it before. It seems that the cycle has come full circle and now 
> Devuan is going back to the future and reinventing the wheel all over 
> again. Only this time the escape isn't from MS or Apple.  It is from 
> the enemy within.  If history teaches us anything it is that nothing 
> lasts for long and that freedom has to be continuously reclaimed from 
> those who profit from control of ideas, goods and services.  I see 
> Devuan returning to its roots as the future of Linux and cooperative 
> freedom in the digital age . . . a light in the darkness . . .

I've had this feeling for a while, that even we who know our history 
are doomed to repeat it.  I've escaped from the clutches of DOS, 
Windows, OS/2 to Linux, transited through several commercial distros to 
Debian, only to find I have to do it over again.

The difference this time, is that we have the source code, which is 
what the previous revolution bought us.

-- hendrik
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