Not really, donĀ“t forget what Linus said about dbus/kdbus:

"We don't merge kernel code just
because user space was written by a retarded monkey on crack. Kernel
code has higher standards..."

On 2015-07-02 02:31, KatolaZ wrote:
On Wed, Jul 01, 2015 at 09:21:46PM +0300, Aldemir Akpinar wrote:
It's the second question:

I wouldn't expect any different answer from Linus. And who wants to
read anything like "hey, I would not allow kdbus in the kernel for all
the gold in the world" in that answer should well remember that Linus
has never shown any particular philosophical interest in Free Software
or Open Source, since he is basically "motivated by technology" (as he
says himself a few lines down, in another answer to another silly

This means that if he will be sooner or later convinced that kdbus is
a good piece of technology to have in the kernel, for one reason or
another, he will merge it overnight, irrespective of the real or
perceived madness and stubborness of its maintainers.

I am afraid that kdbus/systemd people will lately grasp this simple
bit of knowledge about Linus, and go for the compromise to convince
him that kdbus is good and the people around it are not monsters. At
that point they will have succeeded. And they will.



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