On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 11:09 AM Dominick C. Pastore
<dominickpast...@dcpx.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 14, 2020, at 8:03 PM, Hongyi Zhao wrote:
> > I run dnsmasq as following:
> >
> > $ /usr/local/sbin/dnsmasq --port=53 -c10240 --server=
> > --conf-dir=/home/werner/Public/anti-gfw/dns/dnsmasq/conf/conf-dir,*.conf
> > -C /home/werner/Public/anti-gfw/dns/dnsmasq/conf/dnsmasq.conf
> >
> > The is a DNS proxy based on dnsproxy which has with
> > DoH, DoT, DoQ and DNSCrypt support.
> > The conf files here:
> > /home/werner/Public/anti-gfw/dns/dnsmasq/conf/conf-dir,*.conf, are for
> > China domains which using China's mainland DNS servers.
> >
> > And the main dnsmasq.conf file has the following options enabled:
> >
> > $ egrep -v '^([[:blank:]]*#|$)'
> > /home/werner/Public/anti-gfw/dns/dnsmasq/conf/dnsmasq.conf
> > dns-forward-max=10000
> > no-negcache
> > min-cache-ttl=3600
> > all-servers
> > domain-needed
> > bogus-priv
> > filterwin2k
> > no-resolv
> > no-poll
> > interface=lo
> > bind-interfaces
> I see. This is making more sense now.
> > > Why what? Why won't other programs on the host use Dnsmasq? That's the 
> > > way systems with systemd-resolved work by default. Generally, programs on 
> > > the host will query /etc/resolv.conf to determine which DNS servers to 
> > > use (though the manpage for systemd-resolved.service(8) suggests that 
> > > some programs do not use /etc/resolv.conf and connect to systemd-resolved 
> > > though other means. To be honest, that part is a little unclear to me). 
> > > By default, it's a symlink to a file that direct clients to 
> > > systemd-resolved (
> > >
> > > The trouble is, systemd-resolved also uses resolv.conf to determine its 
> > > own behavior. The moment you delete the symlink and replace it with your 
> > > own file pointing to Dnsmasq (, two things will happen:
> >
> > This is exactly my situation, see following for more detail info:
> >
> > werner@X10DAi-01:~$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
> > nameserver
> > werner@X10DAi-01:~$ realpath -e /etc/resolv.conf
> > /etc/resolv.conf
> >
> > > 1.) systemd-resolved will itself add Dnsmasq to its list of nameservers. 
> > > This probably won't break systemd-resolved entirely, but it will 
> > > potentially cause lots of retries and slowdowns.
> >
> > Seems so complicated and still can't figure out a perfect solution for
> > the coexistence of dnsmasq and systemd-resolved.
> Running both on the same system is compicated, and systemd-resolved adds 
> little value when you already have Dnsmasq running. That is is why it's 
> usually not recommended, though I'm reasonably confident it can be done if 
> you really want to.
> > > 2.) Unless you've manually configured a nameserver in /etc/dnsmasq.conf, 
> > > Dnsmasq will not have anywhere to send queries. This *will* break some 
> > > things. It's smart enough to know that it shouldn't use itself as the 
> > > upstream server, but neither /etc/resolv.conf nor /etc/dnsmasq.conf gives 
> > > it other options, so it fails.
> >
> > As you can see, I've set upstream nameservers for my dnsmasq, so this
> > shouldn't be the culprit for my case.
> Agreed.
> > >
> > > If you want other programs on the same host to go through Dnsmasq, you 
> > > should use the first option I suggested.
> >
> > Do you mean the following thing you have told:
> >
> >     If you want Dnsmasq to query the upstream servers,
> > systemd-resolved to query Dnsmasq,
> >     and everything else on the host to query systemd-resolved:
> Yes, that is what I meant. That said, based on everything you just sent, it 
> sounds like that's how you currently have things configured:
> 1.) Your Dnsmasq is configured to ignore /etc/resolv.conf and has manually 
> configured servers for upstream. Dnsmasq should be working fine, as long as 
> there isn't anything in 
> /home/werner/Public/anti-gfw/dns/dnsmasq/conf/conf-dir causing problems. (But 
> make sure you are escaping the asterisk for that option if you are running 
> dnsmasq in a shell.)

I run the dnsmasq command shown here from a bash shell script instead
of directly issued from terminal. So the escaping character, i.e., \,
should be unnecessary.

I think you mean if I run the command directly under a terminal, I
should issue it as following:

$ /usr/local/sbin/dnsmasq --port=53 -c10240 --server=
 -C /home/werner/Public/anti-gfw/dns/dnsmasq/conf/dnsmasq.conf

As for the other questions below, I will test them carefully before I
can give the feedback.

Thanks again for your careful and in-depth analysis.

Best regards,

> 2.) systemd-resolved should be working well. It gets its upstream servers 
> from your network config. Since you have Netplan configured for, it 
> should be using Dnsmasq as its upstream server. You also have a regular file 
> for /etc/resolv.conf, so systemd-resolved will use the nameserver there as 
> upstream too, but it's the same one, so there is no change.
> 3.) Other programs on your system will either use systemd-networkd or Dnsmasq 
> for DNS, depending on whether they obey /etc/resolv.conf or not. Either way, 
> since systemd-resolved is forwarding all queries to Dnsmasq, every request 
> should eventually end up going through Dnsmasq. (By the way, you should 
> safely be able to restore /etc/resolv.conf to its original symlink to 
> /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf since you don't have Dnsmasq reading 
> from it.)
> So, at this point, I'm not quite sure what the problem is. You mentioned 
> using dig earlier, so I'm not sure if you already tried this, but you can try 
> connecting to each server directly to pinpoint which step in the chain is 
> causing issues:
> To test your DNS proxy:
> dig @ -p 6053 <somedomain.com> ANY
> If that is working as intended, then test Dnsmasq:
> dig @ <somedomain.com> ANY
> If there's still no problem, then test systemd-resolved:
> dig @ <somedomain.com> ANY
> Hopefully, this should help you find the problem.
> Regards,
> Dominick

Hongyi Zhao <hongyi.z...@gmail.com>

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