On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 10:22:25AM -0400, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 10:26:27AM +0200, Johan Ihren wrote:
> > B. "Better to publish what we have and initiate work on a -bis document 
> >  immediately. Also known as the "Perfect is the Enemy of 
> > Timely"-alternative.
> I like this, but I'd like it more if there were text in the document
> that said something like, "This represents current thinking at the
> time of publication.  The reader is reminded that DNSSEC is as of
> publication in early stages of deployment, and best practices will
> likely change in the near term."  Or something like that.  The idea is
> to give the reader a clue that s/he ought to be keeping up with the
> mailing lists and so on in order to understand what is happening.

Or even "These are the guidelines as best we understand them, as we
write, but we expect them to serve partly as a basis for further
discussion and experiment. If you find something better, bring it on."

Sorry guys-- I don't think the parrot is dead enough to get you off
the hook.

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