On Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 11:18 AM Petr Špaček <pspa...@isc.org> wrote:

> 2. If the new option was present in query, then DNS responder sends back
> Extended DNS Errors option (EDE, RFC 8914) with INFO-TEXT field
> formatted according to structured JSON specified in this draft.

I like this idea a lot.  In fact, I don't even think we need a new option.
It's not as if INFO-TEXT is already widely used.  We can just declare
something like "if the INFO-TEXT is JSON, here's what it means".

This also allows us to remove the "access denied" emphasis, and broaden our
focus to explaining all kinds of resolution failures.

I also agree that requiring an HTTP URL seems out of place here.  I would
prefer an "ID" string of unspecified contents, so that operators can use
UUIDs, domain names holding TXT records, URIs, or whatever mechanism they
want to identify failure types.

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