*** Democracies Online Newswire - http://www.e-democracy.org/do ***

For those who are confused about why I sent along the Bush item -
please note the subject line of the post I wrote:

    Bush E-mail Goal 2 Million

Sometimes I have time to add a bit of analysis, sometimes I just
throw interesting items out there.  This list is not an advocacy
platform (except for "e-democracy"), I try to pass stuff on that
seems leading, significant or unique.

The big deal about the Bush post is that it has a numeric goal.
Imagine what might happen if Bush, Gore, Nader, Buchanan, Browne,
Hagelin, Phillips, Lane, Rogers, Dodge, McReynolds, Moorehead
<http://www.politics1.com/p2000.htm> all had 2 million e-mail
addresses on their announcement lists and used them effectively to
inform, motivate, and activate their supporters.

Do the other campaigns have numeric e-mail list goals?  Will they
share them with the public?  Will Bush give us an update on their
list size? This is the big lesson from the JesseNet experience in
1998 - maximize the size of your supporter e-mail list.  All told I
think the e-lists are ten times more valuable than the web sites.  It
is great to see a candidate create a motivating goal.

Speaking of Gore, I have been monitoring their extensive and diverse
use of the Internet.  I am watching their Instant Messaging
experiment <http://www.algore.com/im/im_form.php> with great interest
- could be great, could be a bust?  Also, Gore collected state and
zip code information with e-mail addresses from the beginning.  I am
now receiving locally well produced Gore campaign Minnesota updates.
Below is a recent Gore post, check out their "10 ways you can get
involved and make a difference in Campaign 2000" to get a sense of
how big a role the Internet is playing in their organizing strategy.


Steven Clift
Democracies Online

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date sent:              Thu, 14 Sep 2000 15:24:36 -0000
From:                   Gore-Lieberman Mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                Watch a live webcast @ algore.com today at 2:15 PM EDT!

        * * * Gore-Lieberman Mail - September 14, 2000  * * *
 get wired in to the Gore-Lieberman campaign @ http://www.algore.com

In today's Gore-Lieberman Mail:

1.  Watch a live webcast from New York City today - 2:15 PM @ algore.com
    Al Gore and Karenna Gore Schiff, to hold first "At The Table"
    discussion with young people

2.  Be sure to watch Al Gore on David Letterman tonight!

3.  On the campaign trail in Maine, Gore promotes his plan to make
    college more affordable

4.  Become a DNC "E-Precinct Leader"

5.  Log on to algore.com for more live webcasts this weekend!

6.  10 ways you can get involved and make a difference in Campaign 2000

1.  Watch a live webcast from New York City today - 2:15 PM (EDT)

Dear Friends,

Kicking off the Gore/Lieberman campaign's first "At the Table" discussion,
Al Gore and his eldest daughter Karenna Gore Schiff will meet with a small
group of Generation X'ers and Y'ers this afternoon at Café Lalo
in New York City to discuss the issues affecting young people and the power
of their vote. The event will be shown via live webcast at www.algore.com
starting at 2:15 p.m. (EDT)

2.  Be sure to watch Al Gore on David Letterman!
Al Gore will appear on "The Late Show with David Letterman"
tonight - Thursday, September 14.  Don’t miss it! (check your
local listings for air times)

3.  On the campaign trail in Maine, Gore promotes his plan to make
college more affordable

Lewiston, Maine - September 13 - Marking the new school year with a
School Day in Maine, Al Gore promoted his plan to make college tuition and
fees tax deductible up to $10,000 a year. The Gore-Lieberman comprehensive
education plan starts with universal pre-school, reforms classrooms,
makes most college tuition tax deductible and promotes lifelong learning
and skills training. George W. Bush has a narrow education agenda because
his massive tax cut leaves him few resources to invest in education
or help families afford higher education.

"Our plan heeds the single most important lesson that the new economy
teaches us about preparing for this 21st century: learning is the key,"
said Gore. "And getting a diploma is not the end of an education, but
just the beginning. We need to make college education and skill training
available for a lifetime."  Read more at:

4.  Become a DNC "E-Precinct Leader"
In 1960, John F. Kennedy was elected by a margin of only 1 vote per
precinct. This election will be just as close and we need your help!

The Internet is changing the way Democrats run campaigns, and we are
proud to introduce an innovative, new program - the DNC's E-Precinct
Leader Program! Democrats need your help to fight for working families,
sign up today.

To learn more about how to become an E-Leader visit:

5.  Log on to algore.com for more live webcasts this weekend!
On Friday, September 15 at 10:00 AM EDT algore.com will feature a live
webcast as Al Gore campaings at Howard University in Wahsington DC.
On Saturday September 16 at 10:00 PM EDT be sure to log on to
watch as Al Gore addresses the Congressional Black Caucus.
(times are approximate and subject to change - check back regularly
at algore.com for exact webcast times)

10 ways you can get involved and make a difference in Campaign 2000:

1.  Join the Women For Gore/Lieberman e-mail project!  Women can be
    the winning difference for Al Gore and Joe Lieberman in this
    important election – and you can make the difference where you
    live. Join, our Women For Gore/Lieberman e-mail project, and get
    regular campaign updates and news -- and learn more about how you
    can get involved in your own community.  And remember to encourage
    every woman you know to join too.

    Sign up at:   http://www.algore.com/wfg/index.html#join

2.  "Build your own campaign web page"
     located at: http://www.algore.com/byoc/byoc.html

3.  "Join the Gore-Lieberman Instant Message Network"
     located at: http://www.algore.com/im/im_form.php

4.  "MyElection" - personalize your online campaign experience
     located at: https://www.algore.com/myelection

5.  "Campaign to go" - get Gore-Lieberman updates on your Palm Pilot,
     Handspring Visor, or any PDA device at http://www.algore.com/pda

6.  "Online Voter Registration" - If you aren't registered, you can't vote!
     Register to vote online, or start an online voter registration drive at

7.   Contribute to Gore/Lieberman GELAC at:

8.   Send us digital media from your local Democratic events!
     Let's make this a truly interactive campaign -- the very first in
     history. Share your personal ideas for the Gore/Lieberman Volunteer  
     Multimedia Project. Send us a message -- and you can include audio
     or video (via snail mail for now) telling us why this campaign is so
     important to America. Then, we'll consider your message as well as the
     audio or video content. Send your clips to us over the Internet
     (or by postal mail), and we'll put the very best videos and photos right
     onto the site. If you want to be a part of our volunteer multimedia
     brigade, e-mail us at:

     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

9.   Got to http://www.democrats.org  - the DNC web site is a great
     resource for getting involved online!  Share the spirit of this
     campaign and help spread the Democratic message by sending an online
     postcard to your family and friends.

     To send an online postcard visit: http://web.democrats.org/postcards

10.  Download your copy of "Prosperity for America's Families" today!
     The 191-page Gore-Lieberman economic plan, Prosperity for America's Families,
     includes specific economic goals for the future, as well as policies
     designed to reach those goals and detailed budget outlines.  The book
     is available for download at: http://www.algore.com/pdf/gore_prosperity.pdf

     Download your copy today!  Share it with your friends!


To unsubscribe from Gore-Lieberman Mail, please send a blank message to:

Your privacy is a priority @ algore.com.
Read our privacy policy at http://www.algore.com/privacy.html

Gore/Lieberman, Inc.
601 Mainstream Drive
Nashville, TN 37228
TTY (For the hearing-impaired) 615-340-3260


Paid for by Gore/Lieberman, Inc.

^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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