*** Democracies Online Newswire - http://www.e-democracy.org/do ***

                         --- Please Forward to German Contacts --->

I'll be in Berlin next week. I am part of the Social Software Panel
<http://groups.yahoo.com/group/do-wire/message/775> at the
Transmediale event <http://www.transmediale.de/> on Thursday,
February 8.

NetPolitcs Happy Hour?

>From 18:00-20:00 on Friday, February 9 from I'd like to organize a
small NetPolitics Happy Hour near the Podewil Centre for Contemporary
Arts <http://www.transmediale.de/01/en/map.htm> between sessions.
NetPolitics covers anyone who works with the Internet and political
news site, advocacy, political parties, e-government, parliaments,
community participation, and those simply interested in e-democracy
in general.

I've done this in London, Stockholm and soon Brussels as part of my
Democracies Online Newswire <http://www.e-democracy.org/do> outreach
efforts (full info below).  Lots of fun.  It is always interesting to
see who shows up and the kinds of connections that are made.

To indicate your interest in attending (or virtually attending) join
my special e-mail list for contacts in Germany.  Send an e-mail to:


We'll use this special e-list to set up the event and perhaps other
activities.  I'll be in Berlin through Noon on Sunday, February 11.

Steven Clift
Democracies Online

P.S. I am hoping to connect with those working on the Bundestags
parliamentary online efforts late in the afternoon on Wednesday, Feb.
7.  If you know someone specific on the inside, please try to link us
up.  Thanks.

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         Democracies Online Newswire - DO-WIRE
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Join the Democracies Online Newswire - DO-WIRE

DO-WIRE is your primary source for what's important and
happening with the convergence of democracy and the
Internet around the world. DO-WIRE is a free, low volume,
moderated e-mail announcement list.

To subscribe for convenient e-mail delivery or read recent
posts on the web, visit:


Or send the command "SUB DO-WIRE" in the message body to
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  Be sure to reply "ok" to the
confirmation e-mail request you receive.

Launched in January 1998, DO-WIRE now connects over 1500
experts, practitioners, journalists, and citizens from
around the world. If you are interested in democracy online,
which includes politics online, new media, e-governance,
online advocacy, citizen interaction and related topics,
then join us.

Each week, well known e-democracy expert and speaker Steven
Clift <http://publicus.net> forwards, with occasional
analysis, up to seven carefully selected messages.  Posts
include news, article, and report web links, event and
conference announcements, calls for papers, and often
uncover important "primary source" online resources,
projects, and initiatives of significance.

DO-WIRE Member Submissions and Comments

The large and diverse subscriber base on DO-WIRE makes
this information exchange network so vibrant.  Share your
text-only submissions for review to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In the end, comments from DO-WIRE members are the best
invitation to join:

    'must reading'
    'highest quality'
    'interesting content'
    'keeps me informed ... not inundated'
    'incredibly rich, diverse, deep coverage'
    'best source ... invaluable resource'
    'your contributions are ... informative and enlightening'
    'thoughtful analysis and provocative personal perspective'

E-Democracy E-Book

Democracy online trends from the last decade are explored in
Steven Clift's draft "E-Democracy E-Book."  Themes previously
covered by DO-WIRE are summarized in this article. The E-Book
and dozens of articles, presentations, and highlighted posts
are available online from:


Please forward this message to others who are interested in
networking with others across the global democracy online
community.  If you have a web site, please add links as
appropriate.  Thanks.
                                     30 OCT 2000
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         Democracies Online Newswire - DO-WIRE
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