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The site below includes a number of interesting papers and
presentations including:

Australian eDemocracy? The potential for citizens and governments, by
Dr Mary Griffiths, Monash University.
[word97] (81kb) -
[pps] (1.32mb)

The high level of analysis and activity demonstrated below by the
State of Victoria represents years of relatively aggressive
e-government/IT activity funded by government (two different
parties). Their online resource center on e-government is excellent:

Also, the Victorian Parliamentary E-Democracy Inquiry:
Related comments about equity:

It seems to me that there is a growing interest in e-democracy among
governments with a foundation of advanced e-government service
efforts.  Where will this take us?  What kinds of tools and
applications will be built? Are there ways to leverage this e-
democracy activity to promote it in more governments?

Steven Clift
Democracies Online

P.S. Speaking of conferences - Electronic Networks Conference - 3-5
July 2002, Melbourne: http://www.ccnr.net/2002/abstracts.htm (Wow!)


Innovative eGovernment for Victoria 2002 Conference
March 25 -26, 2002, Melbourne
Day One

Welcome - Randall Straw, Executive Director, Multimedia Victoria
Official Opening - The Hon Steve Bracks MP, Premier of Victoria.
Transcript, Day 1 - 25 March 2002, 8.45am - 9.00am [word97] (33kb)

Keynote Presentation - The Evolution of Online Services in the States
and Commonwealth, John Rimmer, CEO, National Office of the
Information Economy. [pps] (137kb)

The Ingredients of Online Success, by Steve Hollowood, KPMG
Consulting. [pps] (1.13mb)

Making the web work: designing for maximum engagement, by Dr Martyn
Wild, Adult Multi-Cultural Education Services (AMES) [pps] (2.33mb)

Servicing Unique Individuals and communities in the global space, by
Charles McCathie-Nevile, W3C [html]

All suitable services online by 2001 - a report on performance, by
Terry Wright, Multimedia Victoria [pps] (1.77mb)

Development and rationale for the channels - a case study of funded
Agency Channel, by John Hedditch, Department of Human Services,
Victoria. [pps] (189kb)

Building a comprehensive suite of services and information online - a
case study for the ground up, by Elaine Ninham, Centrelink [pps]

Day Two

Plenary Session - eGovernment directions in Victoria, by the Hon John
Brumby, MP, Minister for Innovation and Minister for State and
Regional Development. [word97] (298kb)

International Keynote Presentation - UK perspectives of eGovernment,
by Ann Steward, Director, ePolicy, Office of the eEnvoy (UK) [word97]

Keynote Presentation - The role of egovernment in deliverying better
government, by Terry Moran, Secretary, Department of Premier and
Cabinet, Victoria. [word97] (44kb)

Plenary Session - Opportunities and benefits of partnering with local
government, by Dr David Platt, Managing Director, Anstra Technologies
Pty Ltd. [pps] (2.06mb)

Web Channels in Future Government Service Provision, by Dr Mike Lisle-
Williams, Deloitte Consulting. [pps] (1.02mb)
Teaming with the private sector - challenges and advantages of joint
service delivery? by Dr Steve Hodgkinson, Multimedia Victoria [pps]

Client relationship management (CRM): can it apply for government? by
Peter Jordan, Accenture [pps] (1.78mb)

eGovernment - the privacy factor. by David Taylor, Office of the
Victorian Privacy Commissioner. [pps] (224kb)

The Victorian Online Gateway, by Richard Botto, Victorian Online
Gateway Project, Multimedia
Victoria. [pps] (2.5mb)

The Land Exchange - a partnership in development, by Allan Stewart,
Department of Natural Resources and Environment. [pps] (469kb)

The potential of new technology to change service and content
options, by Gary Wisniewski, Spider Eye. [pps] (83kb)

Australian eDemocracy? The potential for citizens and governments, by
Dr Mary Griffiths, Monash University. [word97] (81kb) [pps] (1.32mb)

^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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