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Lots of links related to Iraq ... be sure to check out the diverse
mix of sites listed by their Alexa ranking at the bottom - SLC.

Compiled by Steven Clift - http://www.publicus.net
For the Democracies Online Newswire - http://www.e-democracy.org.do

Iraq amuk for Links

Large scale online activities promoted by MoveOn.Org today:

Other anti-war sites:

Emerging news coverage:

What about those with a different approach:

'With the Internet, there is no limit'
Cut off by sanctions both internal and external, Kurds find Web
allows them access to the world

Iraqi opposition links:

Earlier net activism overage:

Internet Stokes Anti-War Movement

News straight from the UN:

Something interesting from:

Al Jazeera: Does it surprise you that the largest demonstrations
happened in the capitals and the cities of those people who are
supportive of your position now vis-à-vis Iraq?

Rumsfeld: Well, it doesn't really because if you think about it,
today with the Internet people can organize very quickly and get lots
of people to demonstrate, but if you take the population of Western
Europe, of those three countries for example. I think you mentioned
three countries that have the largest. You take their populations and
compare it to the number of people who demonstrated, it's a very
small fraction. Even though it was a large number of people, it's a
very small fraction of the people. In democracies that's what people
do. You don't see people demonstrating in Iraq. You don't see people
demonstrating against the government in Iraq because they'll be

And what about radio ... and the use of the Net by radio buffs to
uncover this interest tidbit:

Wednesday February 26, 12:02 PM
Radio Buff Finds Mystery Station Connected To Iraq
(From The Wall Street Journal)
By Andrew Higgins

Finally, Alexa <http://www.alexa.com> ratings for various sites of
interest (ratings are for the whole site not the Iraq specific links
I include below):

1      -
26     - http://www.cnn.com/linkto/iraq.tracker.html
36     - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/default.stm
326    - http://www.drudgereport.com
497    - http://www.aljazeera.net (Arabic)
823    - http://www.worldnetdaily.com
839    - http://english.ajeeb.com (Arabic Translator)
387    - http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/0,2759,423009,00.html
1646   - http://www.whitehouse.gov
2244   - http://www.un.org/Docs/scinfo.htm
2443   - http://www.indymedia.org
3170   - http://www.military.com
3338   - http://www.moheet.com (Arabic)
4182   - http://www.antiwar.com
4929   - http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/ops/iraq.htm
5689   - http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ops/iraq.htm
5978   - http://www.defenselink.mil
6547   - http://www.commondreams.org
8427   - http://www.uruklink.net/eindex.htm (Iraq Govt)
                - http://www.uruklink.net/iraqnews/eindex.htm (News)
9124   - http://www.alternet.org/waroniraq/
10144  - http://www.kdp.pp.se (Kurds, inflated by pp)
11615  - http://www.nodo50.org (Spain)
12375  - http://www.janes.com/regional_news/africa_middle_east/
12970  - http://www.moveon.org
15111  - http://www.buzzflash.com
17724  - http://special.fco.gov.uk
18386  - http://www.nato.int
22327  - http://www.stratfor.com/promo/?site=usiraq
24899  - http://www.unitedforpeace.org
29314  - http://www.iraq2000.com (Arabic)
See: http://www.iraq2000.com/babil/babil_eng/index.htm - Newspaper
More papers: http://www.world-newspapers.com/iraq.html
30541  -
33592  - http://www.internationalanswer.org
39233  - http://www.puk.org (Kurd)
50136  - http://www.iraqvoice.com (Voice chat w/Iraqis)
51396  - http://www.stopwar.org.uk
62432  - http://www.votenowar.org
69868  - http://www.notinourname.net
88500  - http://protest.net
91504  - http://www.iraqcp.org (Communist Party)
112556 - http://www.iraqdaily.com
118114 - http://www.nonviolence.org/vitw
135395 - http://www.eucom.mil
141121 - http://www.iraqtv.ws (looks hacked)  See:
142822 - http://www.gulfwarvets.com
147364 - http://www.iraqioasis.com
147631 - http://www.endthewar.org
154338 - http://www.merip.org
156722 - http://www.iraqfoundation.org
158242 - http://www.fermiamolaguerra.it
194738 - http://www.iraqipapers.com
196735 - http://www.veteransforcommonsense.org
199457 - http://www.iraqi-mission.org (Iraqi UN mission)
203601 - http://www.humanshields.org
226784 - http://www.iraqhurr.org (Radio Free Iraq)
228191 - http://www.iraqjournal.org
230319 - http://www.winwithoutwarus.org
232987 - http://electroniciraq.net
233407 - http://efreedomnews.com
265544 - http://www.peacepledge.org
280534 - http://www.motherearth.org/nowar/
304165 - http://www.gulfweb.org (91 Vets)
319657 - http://www.inc.org.uk (Iraqi Nat Congress)
328151 - http://www.noalaguerra.org (Spain)
333988 - http://www.iraqpeaceteam.org
343915 - http://www.penelopes.org (french)
369643 - http://stopusa.be
383137 - http://www.codepink4peace.org
387047 - http://www.krg.org (Kurd Govt)
388566 - http://www.epic-usa.org
394262 - http://www.vetransforpeace.org
409007 - http://users.otenet.gr/~ergatiki/main.htm (Greece)
438204 - http://www.radiosawa.com/english_sp.cfm
452696 - http://irishantiwar.org
496864 - http://www.iraktasavasahayir.org (Turkey)
509326 - http://www.motkrig.org
554715 - http://www.iraqifd.org
564696 - http://www.avot.org (pro-war)
574389 - http://www.15februar.de
586893 - http://www.citiesforpeace.org
622817 - http://www.mwaw.org
652069 - http://www.stripes.com (Military paper)
771183 - http://www.nejtilkrig.dk (Denmark)
779198 - http://www.worldpeacenow.jp (Japan)
793816 - http://www.chicagoantiwar.org
957530 - http://www.iraqaction.org
1079069 - http://www.iraqbodycount.net
1080589 - http://www.stopthewar.or.kr
1012440 - http://www.stoppakriget.tk (Sweden)
2600503 - http://www.stop-terrorkrigen.dk
?      - http://www.notosaddam.com

Finally, probably not the most visited site these days:

If I missed any to 100,000 Iraq-related sites, let me know.

Steven Clift
^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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