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Date sent:              Wed, 12 Mar 2003 15:39:45 -0500
Subject:                *** Deliberative Democracy eBulletin, March 2003 ***
From:                   editor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Deliberative Democracy  | Bulletin vol.2 no. 3, March 13, 2003
> This edition of the eBulletin is pretty packed.  Please keep the
> submissions coming and this may become a twice-monthly service.
> Thanks to everyone who contributed.
> d-d.net is seeks entries for its online Œthink piece¹ service on an
> on-going basis.  We¹d like to get your 2,000 word article
> introducing an idea central to the theory and practice of
> deliberative democracy.  Send your article to
> Finally, check out the updates to
> <http://deliberative-democracy.net>.  Here are a few of the new
> features:
> *  A Œblog service <http://deliberative-democracy.net/mt> featuring
> several interesting topics and discussion posts from leading
> thinkers and doers in the field. * Keep in touch with the governance
> of the Consortium at
> <http://deliberative-democracy.net/governance.html> * An online
> events calendar at
> <http://www.deliberative-democracy.net/cgi-local/calendar/calendar.c
> gi> * Updated information about the mission, activities, and members
> of the consortium at <http://deliberative-democracy.net/about2.html>
> Suggestions, comments or additions for this service?  Write to
> ~ editor
> 1  |  CBC Hosts Interactive Debate: the Case for War
> --    -----------------------------------------------------
> Moments after US president George Bush delivered his recent address
> to the American people and the world, the Canadian Broadcasting
> Corporation hosted ³Ultimatum Iraq: A Time for War?²
> CBC newsman Peter Mansbridge moderated Thursday¹s two hour debate
> between American defense strategy expert Elliot Cohen (Director of
> the Strategic Studies program at the School for Advanced
> International Studies and member of the US Defense Policy Board) and
> former Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd Axworthy.  On  hand
> were a panel of 8 experts from cities around the world.   Also, a
> group of 300 Canadians across the country were polled on the issues
> as they were debated. And Canadians had their say, via letters and
> feedback during the program, presented by Rex Murphy.  The program
> was taped before a live studio audience.
> For more information, and to see the results of the poll, visit:
> <http://cbc.ca/news/iraq/time/>
> 2  |  By the People: Shifting into Local Gear
> --    -------------------------------------------
> After its successful nation-wide launch in January, By the People
> (an initiative of MacNeil/Lehrer Productions) is bringing people
> together in communities to deliberate ³America¹s Role in the World.²
>  The most recent activity was ³By the People: A Town Hall Meeting to
> talk about American foreign policy, held in Austin, Texas on
> February 26, just days after the city Council passed a resolution
> against war with Iraq (interestingly, results of the national survey
> conducted in January showed that, ³Informed Americans see Iraq as a
> threat, support multilateral response).
> For more information on the ongoing activities of By the People,
> visit <http://www.by-the-people.org>
> 3  |  IAP2 Annual Conference: Information to Empowerment: A Global
> Perspective --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------- The International Association for Public Participation
> (IAP2) 2003 conference will explore what stakeholder engagement
> means to people wanting to be involved in decision-making. By
> bringing together representatives of civil society, indigenous
> communities, NGOs, government, academia and the private sector from
> around the world, the conference will be global in perspective and
> community-based in application.
> This year¹s conference will run May 19-122; IAP2 will offer training
> in public participation May 17-19.
> For more information visit
> <http://www.iap2.org/conference/index.htm>
> 4  |  Way To Go Ford
> --    ------------------
> The Ford Foundation's Global Civil Society initiative has earmarked
> 1 million dollars to promote civic engagement in global governance.
> The deadline for submissions is 1 April.  For more details email
> Lisa Jordan at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 5  |  EPA Community Involvement Conference and Training
> --   ------------------------------------------------------------
> The sixth annual U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
> Community Involvement Conference and Training will be held July
> 22-25, 2003, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  This dynamic conference
> brings together public participation and community involvement
> professionals from across all EPA programs and EPA's federal, state,
> tribal, and local partners.  Come and share expertise, participate
> in training, and network with colleagues from around the country.
> Presentations emphasize the process of public participation and
> community involvement, focusing on techniques and approaches used in
> regional and national community involvement programs. Presentations
> are designed to be interactive and encourage an open exchange of
> information.  Share your expertise, network, and enhance your
> professional growth by attending this conference.
> For more information visit:
> <http://www.epancic.org/2003/overview.cfm>
> 6  |  eDemocracy Boost for London?
> --    ----------------------------------
> Plans to integrate online consultation with public services across
> London could be boosted by 450 thousand pounds of central government
> funding after a proposal to develop software for consultations was
> short-listed for ŒInvest to Save Budget¹ funding from the Treasury.
> If finally approved, local councils, health service bodies and other
> public services will pool ideas to build software applications for
> consulting citizens on policy development and service delivery. The
> project partners, operating under an umbrella organisation London
> Connects (http://www.londonconnects.org.uk), will also develop
> criteria for successful e-democracy projects and build an
> information base of specific products and applications that are
> known to work.
> The initial phase of software development will work on a range of
> local applications, but the eventual aim is to provide generic tools
> that would be customisable by individual organisations.
> The Invest to Save fund (http://www.isb.gov.uk), a joint Treasury
> and Cabinet Office initiative that supports partnerships between
> public bodies to deliver innovative services, will have provided
> around £380 million funding by the end of 2004.
> 7  |  Democracy In the Digital Age Conference
> --    ----------------------------------------------
> The Information Society Project at Yale Law School, with New York
> Law School and the Democracy Design Workshop, will sponsor Democracy
> in the Digital Age, April 4-6 at Yale Law School in New Haven.
> Keynote address by Benjamin Barber.
> Among the panel themes are: How do People Deliberate: Deliberative
> Discourse and the Internet; How Political Decisions are Made:
> Citizen Participation and Decision-Making; and Creating Public
> Discourse: Cultural Transmission and the Creation of Democratic
> Discourse.  Among the panelists are Beth Noveck, of New York Law
> School and the Democracy Design Workshop; Peter Shane of Carnegie
> Mellon University and the InSiTes project; Jim Fishkin of the
> University of Texas-Austin and the Center for deliberative Polling;
> and John Gastil, of the University of Washington.
> For more information visit:
> <http://islandia.law.yale.edu/isp/democracy_conference_main.html>
> 8  |  Engaging the Public for Better Policy Decisions
> --    ----------------------------------------------------
> AmericaSpeaks President Carolyn Lukensmeyer will present the 21st
> Century Town Meeting and Taking Democracy to Scale models in an
> Executive Education course at the Brookings Institution in
> Washington, DC April 14-15.  Work with some of the top practitioners
> in the field to learn how new technologies and methods for engaging
> citizens can help your agency manage public input to create better,
> more sustainable public policy. Over the course of two days,
> executive session participants will learn from case studies, hear
> from top speakers, build skills, and begin to develop engagement
> strategies for their agencies.
> For more information and to register visit
> <http://www.brook.edu/execed/open/Engaging.htm>
> 9  |  New Resource: Collaborative Communities eNewsletter
> --    -------------------------------------------------------------
> The Community Building Institute has launched a free newsletter that
> features information on the latest resources in community
> collaboration, conflict resolution, partnerships, and citizen
> participation; stories of efforts to build collaborative
> communities; reports on relevant research; and information on
> upcoming events.
> For more information or to sign up, visit:
> <http://www.collaborativecommunities.org/>
> 10  |  Call for Papers: EGOV03: From E-Government to E-Governance --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> -- The EGOV Conference (Prague, Czech Republic, September  1-5,
> 2003) intends to assess the state of the art in E-Government and to
> provide guidance for research & development in this fast-moving
> field. The annual conferences bring together leading research
> experts and professionals from all over the globe. EGOV03 in Prague
> will build on the success of the 1st  EGOV Conference
> (Aix-en-Provence,  2002), which provided an illustrative overview of
> E-Government activities, with nearly 80 contributions and more than
> 20 European projects funded by the IST Programme of the European
> Commission. The Aix Declaration is an result of the 1st EGOV
> conference
> (http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/fb3/lehre/lenk/aixdecla.rtf).
> Contributions to the Second EGOV Conference are expected to mirror
> current developments in e-Government and to provide fresh ideas from
> a multitude of disciplines.
> Among this year¹s paper topics are: E-Democracy strategies, citizen
> participation in local public affairs; E-Governance tools for
> policymaking in governments and in policy networks; and Frameworks
> and guidelines for E-Government and E-Governance
> For more information visit:
> <http://falcon.ifs.uni-linz.ac.at/news/cfp_egovernment2003.html>
> 11  |  Request for Evaluation Methodologies for Online Discussion
> ---
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> The folks at PoliTalk are in the process of setting up a online
> Student discussion with about 500 participants from the US and
> Europe. They would like to put in place an evaluation/assessment of
> the project and are looking for ideas or resources. If you have
> thoughts or suggestions, please contact project director Tim
> Erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or visit the project at
> <http://www.politalk.com>
> 11  |  Upcoming New Mexico Town Hall
> ---    -------------------------------------
> Nominations for participants for upcoming New Mexico Town Halls are
> now being accepted.  The next Town Hall is: "Leadership and Ethics,"
> to be held at  the United World College, Montezuma, New Mexico March
> 27-30, 2003.
> New Mexico First is a non-profit, non-partisan organization which
> hosts annual statewide Town Halls on a variety of topics important
> to New Mexico. These Town Halls use a unique consensus-building
> format to obtain public policy recommendations from a broad range of
> citizenry.
> For more information, visit the New Mexico First website at:
> <http://www.nmfirst.org>
> 13  |  Porto Alegre City Congress
> ---    ------------------------------
> In May and June of this year, the City of Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil)
> will hold final plenary meetings on the 4th City Congress.  This
> project, an initiative of the Getúlio Foundation Vargas of São Paulo
> - EAESP/FGV and of the Ford Foundation, is a public forum to address
> the question, ³What kind of a city do we want?²  Plenary sessions in
> May and June will deliberate final proposals in three areas:
> mechanisms of participatory democracy; direct and representative
> democracy; and structure of public management and popular
> participation.
> For more information on this effort, it is recommended that you
> perform a Google search for ³Porto Alegre mais cidade constituinte²
> and select the ³Translate page² option for the first returned item
> in the search.
> 14  |  News Media, NIF Issue Book Released
> ---     -------------------------------------------
> The National Issues Forums has released a new issue book, News Media
> and Society: How to Restore the Public Trust, prepared by The
> Harwood Institute.
> The book suggests three approaches to repairing the relationship
> between the news media and the American people.  Each approach
> offers different perspectives on what has damaged citizens' trust
> and each presents various ways to address those problems.  The ideas
> and suggestions come from citizens and experts across the country.
> Visit <http://www.nifi.org/media.html> to read a detailed
> description of News Media and Society and to order a copy of the
> book.
> ----------------
> ----------------
> ------ End of Forwarded Message

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^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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