The following page has been updated:

The changes are as follows.




*** 16,59 ****

!      * [17]1 Version 1.0
!      * [18]2 Version 0.9.4
!      * [19]3 Version 0.9.3
!      * [20]4 Other planned features
!           + [21]4.1 Demos
!           + [22]4.2 ODE solvers
!           + [23]4.3 User solvers
!    [[24]edit]
! Version 1.0
!      * Planned release date: October 2009 (?)
!      * All bugs fixed, all features in place
!      * Finish manual (including coding style and Python interface)
!    [[25]edit]
! Version 0.9.4
!      * Planned release date: ?
!      * Parallel assembly
!      * Parallel solve
!      * Clean up Trilinos support
!      * Projections on to non-matching meshes
!      * Add Python versions of all demos
!      * Add C++ versions of all demos
!      * Replace stdio with iostream and fstream
!      * Fix setprecision() for cout
!      * Expand range of unit tests and correctness tests
!      * Add performance benchmarks
!      * Draft of central manual chapters
!      * Cleanup Function class logic, see [[26]discussion] and
!        [[27]discussion]
!      * Extracting vector field from tensor field, see [[28]discussion]
!      * Support tensor fields (may require work on FFC)
!    [[29]edit]
  Version 0.9.3
--- 16,27 ----

!      * [17]1 Version 0.9.3
!      * [18]2 Other planned features
!           + [19]2.1 Demos
!           + [20]2.2 ODE solvers
!    [[21]edit]
  Version 0.9.3

*** 82,92 ****

       * [DEL: Rename message() --> info() :DEL]
       * [DEL: Consistency in printing objects, remove disp() :DEL]
!    [[30]edit]
  Other planned features
!    [[31]edit]
--- 50,60 ----

       * [DEL: Rename message() --> info() :DEL]
       * [DEL: Consistency in printing objects, remove disp() :DEL]
!    [[22]edit]
  Other planned features
!    [[23]edit]

*** 98,115 ****

            + This section may also relate/link to the higher order mesh
!    [[32]edit]
  ODE solvers
       * Solve dual and compute error estimate
       * Automatic computation of stability factors as function of time T
!    [[33]edit]
! User solvers
!      * Code and build system template for users to create solvers
!        (including Python modules via SWIG) that use the DOLFIN library
!    Retrieved from "[34]
--- 66,76 ----

            + This section may also relate/link to the higher order mesh
!    [[24]edit]
  ODE solvers
       * Solve dual and compute error estimate
       * Automatic computation of stability factors as function of time T
!    Retrieved from "[25]
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