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! DOLFIN road map
! From The FEniCS project
!    We are in the process of migrating the list of planned features and
!    major to do items to Launchpad
!    ([16]
!    [[17]edit]
! Version 0.9.3
!      * Planned release date: ?
!      * [DEL: Complete transition to the UFL form language :DEL]
!      * [DEL: Use strings instead of enums for parameters where
!        appropriate :DEL]
!      * Parsing of command-line arguments
!      * Load parameters from file (might work, needs testing), perhaps
!        search default directories for parameter file
!      * Only set default argument values in header file of base class, not
!        in subclasses, not in .cpp files
!      * [DEL: Move to new parameter system :DEL]
!      * [DEL: Parsing of nested parameters
!        --krylov_solver.relative_tolerance 1e-16 :DEL]
!      * [DEL: Consistent naming of member functions (use underscores)
!        :DEL]
!      * [DEL: Break up function Assembler::assemble_system :DEL]
!      * [DEL: Move to new XML format/implementation :DEL]
!      * [DEL: Remove build system deprecation warnings :DEL]
!      * [DEL: Make build system check for build errors :DEL]
!      * [DEL: Fix the simultaneous use of "-DDEBUG -DNDEBUG" in the
!        compiler options :DEL]
!      * [DEL: Fix that dolfin_utils is not installed when using
!        "enablePydolfin=no" :DEL]
!      * [DEL: Rename message() --> info() :DEL]
!      * [DEL: Consistency in printing objects, remove disp() :DEL]
!    [[18]edit]
! Other planned features
!    [[19]edit]
! Demos
!      * 1-D and 2-D Meshes in 3-D
!           + Need demos for a 1-D curve in 2-D and 3-D.
!           + Need demo for a 2-D surface in 3-D.
!           + These demos could involve solving the Laplace-Beltrami PDE on
!             the surface.
!           + This section may also relate/link to the higher order mesh
!             stuff.
!    Retrieved from "[20]
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