Hello Timo, have you had the time to take a look at this code for the
quota-warning to run.

In the quota-rewrite patch and in the 1.1beta13 code the warning command
is executed with this condition

              if ((bytes_current < warnings[i].bytes_limit &&
                   bytes_current >= warnings[i].bytes_limit) ||
                  (count_current < warnings[i].count_limit &&
                   count_current >= warnings[i].count_limit)) {

And I think that the "if" condition is never TRUE bytes_current can't be
"<" and ">=" than warnings[i].bytes_limit at the same time, right?

In the patch previous patch that I've sent to the list the "if" looks like:

              if ((bytes_current -
                   ctx->bytes_used < warnings[i].bytes_limit &&
                   bytes_current >= warnings[i].bytes_limit) ||
                  (count_current -
                   ctx->count_used < warnings[i].count_limit &&
                   count_current >= warnings[i].count_limit)) {

Regards and happy new year
Juan C. Blanco

Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Tue, 2007-12-11 at 16:42 +0100, Juan C. Blanco wrote:
The other problem is when checking the limits to execute the scripts,
the "quota_warnings_execute" function is checking if the warning limit
is reached with this comparison:

if ((bytes_current < warnings[i].bytes_limit &&
       bytes_current +
       ctx->bytes_used >= warnings[i].bytes_limit) || ...

Fixed: http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot/rev/71b9541adad1

I'll update quota-rewrite patch soon also.

| Juan C. Blanco                                                 |
|                                                                |
|  Centro de Calculo              |                              |
|  Facultad de Informatica U.P.M. |  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|  Campus de Montegancedo         |                              |
|  Boadilla del Monte             |  Tel.:    (+34) 91 336 7466  |
|  28660 MADRID (Spain)           |  Fax :    (+34) 91 336 6913  |

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