I think there must be some bug I'm hitting here. One of my directors
is still running with "client_limit = 1, process_limit = 100" for the
lmtp service, and now it's logging:

   master: Warning: service(lmtp): process_limit (100) reached, client
connections are being dropped

Checking "sudo netstat -anp|grep ":24 " I see 287 ports in TIME_WAIT,
one in CLOSE_WAIT and the listening "". No active
connections. There are 100 lmtp-processes running. When trying to
connect to the lmtp-port I immediately get dropped:

$ telnet localhost 24
Connected to localhost.localdomain (
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

Is there maybe some counter that's getting out of sync, or some back
off penalty algorithm that kicks in when it first hit the process
limit ?


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