Hi Michael,

Geronimo JavaMail hard defaults to / separator. If the separator is manually set to undefined it automatically calculates the separator correctly.

However neither through JavaMail or by command line does
LIST "." "*"
LIST . "*"
produce any root listing of default folder on my Dovecot installation.

LIST "" "*"
produces a listing.

Could there be something else wrong in the configuration to cause this?


On 19/04/2017 15:29, Michael Slusarz wrote:
"A non-empty reference name argument is the name of a mailbox or a level of mailbox 
hierarchy, and indicates the context in which the mailbox name is interpreted."

If Dovecot is using "." as the separator in the base level of hierarchy, then it 
correctly is returning nothing for 'LIST / "*"' - since no mailboxes in Dovecot live 
under that base level of hierarchy.

Gmail returns data because it is using "/" as a separator.

If you want Dovecot to return LIST entries for 'LIST "/" "*"', then configure the base namespace to use 
"/" as a separator.  Of course then 'LIST "." "*"' would return nothing...


On April 18, 2017 at 2:38 AM Matthew Broadhead <matthew.broadh...@nbmlaw.co.uk> 

Thanks Michael.  I have forwarded that link to the Geronimo JavaMail
team in case they think of anything their end.

But in the documentation you sent it seems that Dovecot should respond
in the case of
LIST / "*"
if my understanding is correct

Is there any way to adjust this behaviour in the settings?  I am
struggling to search for a solution to the problem given the limited

On 18/04/2017 05:46, Michael Slusarz wrote:
You probably want to read the description of "reference name argument" to 
understand what is happening here.



On April 17, 2017 at 8:33 AM Matthew Broadhead <matthew.broadh...@nbmlaw.co.uk> 


i am using dovecot-2.2.10-7.el7.x86_64 on

if i follow this tutorial
i can login to my server and successfully list the folders using
tag LIST "" "*"

*   LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." INBOX
tag OK List completed.

no folders are listed using
tag LIST / "*"
tag OK List completed.

when i request a folder listing using JavaMail it similarly sends the
following command and no folders are listed
a97 LIST / "*"
a97 OK List completed.

if i follow the tutorial again and use my gmail account instead of my
dovecot installation i can successfully list folders using both methods
tag LIST / "*"

*   LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "youtube"
tag OK List completed.

is there some way to make dovecot list folders when it receives the command
LIST / "*"

i note that in the listings my dovecot installation has "." in the
middle and gmail has a "/"

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