On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 07:52:14AM +0100, Michael Wiedmann wrote:
> Hi,
> am I correct, that the local port used on the client ('YY' in '-R 
> XXXX:client-ip:YY') is not part of the SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST packet (see 
> http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc4254.html, 7.1.  Requesting Port Forwarding)?
> I'd like to know on the server side (child process) the port the clients wish 
> to forward to so that I can build an URL for this port forwarding if the port 
> is forwarded to an HTTP port.
> Alternatively are there any plans to support remote port forwarding with an 
> unspecified port (=0) so that the server can choose the next unprivileged 
> port (see also RFC 4254. Marked as unsupported in svr-tcpfwd.c)?

Neither client-ip nor the YY port are given to the remote
server in the SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST packet. I don't quite
see how it would be useful though?

Adding unspecified-port remote forwarding would probably be
fairly straightforward - I just didn't see a need for it
previously. If the client printed a message 
    Remote port <server-port> forwarded to <host:port>
on standard error would that be a useful interface?

Also, I've implemented printing an error message if the
remote forward fails, it'll be in the next release (or the
current development tree)


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