Well the Icom rep from vk3 was up here today to launch this repeater.
However on air tests did not seem to go to plan with /K5CTX B Urcall
having no effect and then a link command K5CTX BL followed with a long
period of silence. Steve NU5D did call back in some time later, but
communication was not good.

 Some intermittent contacts were made, but mainly back to linked
VK3RWN via REF003 C.
 My attempts in the last week to call with VK4RGC G in rpt2 place
result in RPT* response and no reply from any /urcall attempts.
I thought perhaps something was going to be ¨turned on¨ today to fix
this, but nothing changed

I guess it may be a glitch they need to iron out, as the demonstration
today certainly was a fizzler , but port C certainly isn't operating
as a gateway, unless its intended to ride on the back of vk3rwn forever.

Does a permanent REF003 link on a gateway port mean you cant /urcall
out while RPT* does show? Hope to hear from an experienced USA sysop
regarding this scenario?


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