I have not been able to connect to VK4RGCCL from my B module on my G2 
gateway. The dplus connect resulted in "REMOTE SYSTEM IS CURRENTLY 
BUSY". Perhaps they are linked via DPLUS to 2 other systems and it 
won't let me in. I would like to see them reboot the system. I also 
think restarting the dplus service might help. I am puzzled as to why 
I can't get through with the /VK4RGCC in my UR field. Can someone 
else test this and let me know if they have any luck?

--- In, "vk4tux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well the Icom rep from vk3 was up here today to launch this 
> However on air tests did not seem to go to plan with /K5CTX B Urcall
> having no effect and then a link command K5CTX BL followed with a 
> period of silence. Steve NU5D did call back in some time later, but
> communication was not good.
>  Some intermittent contacts were made, but mainly back to linked
> VK3RWN via REF003 C.
>  My attempts in the last week to call with VK4RGC G in rpt2 place
> result in RPT* response and no reply from any /urcall attempts.
> I thought perhaps something was going to be ¨turned on¨ today to fix
> this, but nothing changed
> I guess it may be a glitch they need to iron out, as the 
> today certainly was a fizzler , but port C certainly isn't operating
> as a gateway, unless its intended to ride on the back of vk3rwn 
> Does a permanent REF003 link on a gateway port mean you cant /urcall
> out while RPT* does show? Hope to hear from an experienced USA sysop
> regarding this scenario?
> vk4tux

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