--- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, "Gus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steve loaned me a Magellan 320 that he had setup for connecting to the
> ID800h. I have my ID800h setup as follows: GPS Mode On, RMC, GGA, and 
C1 is
> LK  *5A.  (Copied and Pasted from the DPRS Calculator.) Once 
everything is
> turned on and the GPS is locked I can check My POS in the radio and I 
> the correct GPS data. However, once I come back inside I do not see 
> information on the APRS sites. Is there something I can check in the 
> to make sure that the data is getting to the server and then being 
sent out
> to the APRS servers?

You can use http://www.jfindu.net/lastreports.aspx?call=XYZ where XYZ 
is the repeater callsign without any SSID.  This will show your IGates 
reporting.  If they are reporting, then they are reporting to APRS-IS.

You can connect to your gateway via SSH and telnet to the proper serial 
port for the repeater you are trying to use.  This can be deterined 
from the javaprssrvrx.cfg file for the repeater you are using.  It will 
be in the range 24580 to 24583.  This will let you see the serial data 
that is being seen at your repeater site.

With issues like this where you have properly set the C1 message and 
have GPS lock, you will see bit errors in the serial data (one garbled 
character is all it takes to invalidate the position report).  The good 
news is that this is usually pretty obvious.  If you don't see any 
data, check to make sure you have the repeater in RPT1 and the gateway 
in RPT2.

Hope this helps.


Pete Loveall AE5PL

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