On Tue, 2008-07-22 at 16:48 -0700, Dan Smith wrote:
> It's strange that your cable doesn't seem to be echoing what the PC
> sends. Are you using an OPC-478?

No, it's a homebrew cable. I'm using the front data port.

> In the ICOM (and I think all other)
> cables, the TX and RX pins are tied together in the db9 connector,

Oh? I didn't know that. I found a document online that shows a cable
schematic, it does not have them connected together.

> If you want, edit chirp/icf.py, and in the send_clone_frame()
> function,
> put "return frame" right after the "pipe.write(frame)" line. This
> should stop it from eating and comparing the echo.

Yeah, that works. I just did a successful download. It won't let me
export, import, or upload (those are disabled, and it says "no image",
even after downloading), but that's a different issue... I'm going to
play around with the command line tool and see what I can do with that.

Thanks for the help!


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