Yahoo Groups allows you to set your email preferences to allow or
disallow invitations from other groups.

On Fri, 2008-11-07 at 03:15 +0000, Eric Gildersleeve wrote:
> I realize this may not be the appropriate place to make statements,
> but I know they are coming from users that watch this site as well.
> I have repeatedly ignored the invitation to the "illinoisdigitalham"
> group on Yahoo! but, I am fed up with the constant invitations. Please
> don't mine E-Mails from this group and bombard us with invitations. I
> consider it spam and have reported it to Yahoo! I provide my E-Mail
> for those that want to contact me off list on a topic. Not for you to
> Spam me every month. I know I'm not the only one receiving messages.
> Thank you!
> Eric KD7CAO

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