Howdy Randal,

2M and 440 dstar radios send 2.4 kb/s voice with forward error 
correction (another 1.2kb/s) .  Intermingled with the voice stream there 
is also a 1.2 kb/s serial data stream with no error correction.  You can 
pump data along with the voice or not.  You cannot use the whole 4.8 for 
data - the ratios are set in how the creature is built.

I cannot cite from memory the JARL spec or how much is JARL and how much 
comes from Icom outside what the JARL specifies.  That info is parked in 
different places on the internet.  I don't know how many characters get 
sent at a time or what the structure of the data frame is - that never 
made much difference toward chatting back and forth.

I can take my IC91 radio and you can take your IC91 radio (or other 
models if you like) and I can hook the com port of my laptop to the data 
port on the radio and you do the same, and we can use hyperterm to go 
keyboard to keyboard.  There are other applications better suited for 
dstar communications like D*CHAT or DRATS or Dterm.   We can do this on 
simplex across town, or to each other thru a local repeater, or across 
country repeater to repeater using the gateway system.

I am sure there is a lot more technical talk to go with this but to I 
wanted to answer your question and I will be glad to demonstrate this if 
you like.  73,  Steve NU5D

Also - 23 cm has a totally different data transmission setup in a data 
only hookup where you can hook an ethernet cable to your radio and PC 
and surf the net from your mobile, or send email.  This 23cm stuff runs 
at 128kb/s.  There is also network stuff that I don't know much of 
anything about, but it is out there.  steve

n0uyx wrote:
> Let me run this by you guys once more. From what I am told D-Star is 
> currently being used for Simulated Emergency Test and are sending 
> DATA about patients at Hospitals. I get this info from a Guy who went 
> to the Jacksonville, MS Hamfest and this info was put out at a D-Star 
> conferense. OK so we take a PC and hook it up to a D-Star radio and 
> can run HIGH Speed DATA with it right? OK so this being the case then 
> why cant we send a MSG from one D-Star radio or user to the other? I 
> was told here that can't be done. But if we can send HIGH speed data 
> then of course it can be done if it's not being done right now is 
> only maybe because somebody hasn't designed the software for it? Is 
> this right?
> So if we can send HIGH speed data which could include MSG and Station 
> Status or Beacon data and it makes it to the Internet then D-Star 
> could send email, TEXT MSG and so on. Also a Server could be designed 
> to  handle D-Star/ APRS MSG so the two could send info or data from 
> one to the other at a very limited size because of APRS data limits.
> Did I not ask this same thing a few weeks ago? Why couldn't the above 
> be done? Lack of interest? D-Star Copyright Infringement?
> What am I missing here?
> Randall

"It is a poverty to decide that a child must die 
so that you may live as you wish."  Mother Teresa

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