>That's kinda my point. Aren't most people often avoiding callsign 
routing in the U.S., because of bad interactions between the two types 
of routing?

There are a lot out there that simply don't know how to do it properly, 
or could not be bothered with it, but probably some for that reason.
I agree totally with the idea, and this was posted on extensively on the 
gateway group some time ago as you know Nate.
All I ask is can we fix up the deletions first, or ask Robin to 
incorporate a script to isolate the delete marked gateways from dplus.db?
He was considering doing something, but a busy man as we all know.
If you see VK4RGC on a dashboard, then I (or others) here have linked to 
that REF/GW associated with that dashboard, but we have to dplus TX path 
to it, only RX, hence the need for icom routing direct to the GW or, a 
GW connected to the REF, if that's the link target.
When we see VK4RWN on the dashboard, instead then all will work as 
expected on dplus here.
You have made no comment on this aspect effecting users of gateways with 
updated gateway callsigns with the dplus sytem referencing the old 
callsign associated with an identical ip,
and hence not passing outgoing streams on cqcqcq.


> Wouldn't more people try it if they didn't think they might be routed
> into a giant Net or something by the ONE Gateway / Repeater they meant
> to contact?
> Seems "rude" to call somewhere and have the machine you called route
> you into a Reflector, doesn't it? The user of the radio intended
> their call to go somewhere, and instead it went to 20 other
> "somewheres"... and the admin of that system that forwarded the user's
> call into those other systems, has literally no control over that
> behavior at all.
> It's that completely back-assward?
> --
> Nate Duehr, WY0X
> n...@natetech.com <mailto:nate%40natetech.com>
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