On 12/20/06, Ross Mohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've got the bstack patch working with both portrait and landscape
tiling in the bottom stack. My question is, will anyone find it useful
to toggle that bottom stack tiling orientation during runtime, or should
it just be a compile time setting?

of course
i use dwm this way since 1.4
in my dwm version orientation can be changed for each tag separately
(which means i cannot view more than one tag at a time) and i found it
very comfortable (i use equally often all three orientation. eg right
now the orientation on my 5 tags: 1 right stack, 1 bottom stack with
horiz. split and 3 bottom stack with vert. split)
i use my monitor in pivot mode (roteted in 90degree) where bottom
stack is necessary, probably it's not that useful with normal monitor


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