Tako rzecze wuyue1982 (w e-mailu datowanym 2007-05-17, 18:28):

> hello, for some reason, I want to start a special urxvt. urxvt starts at
> ~/ by default as you know, but I want to start a urxvt which starts at
> ~/doc/, in fvwm, I can achieve it by edit .fvwm2rc:
>       Key F2 A 4 Exec exec $(cd ~/doc && urxvtc)
> So I have try write:
>       { MODKEY, XK_F2, spawn, "exec $(cd ~/doc && urxvtc)
> but seems not work.
> Any advises? Thank you, maybe you can understand me, my English is very
> poor as you see ^_^

You could try:

urxvt -e bash -c 'cd Desktop; bash'

I know, it's ugly, but seems to work.


. Antoni Grzymala - antoni (at) chopin.edu.pl -------------------.
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