2008/7/29 markus schnalke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hoi community,
> the website ( http://www.suckless.org/dwm ) contains the following
> words:
>        "This keeps its userbase small and elitist. No novices asking stupid
>        questions."
> Please discuss about removing, or altering that.
> The reason is, that I met people who thought, that the dwm-/suckless-
> community is arrogant. They refered to these sentences.
> In my oppinion that is not true, and the words should be taken with a
> smile ... however, it leaves no good picture of us in the public.
> I think we dont have to write this down ... if it's true though, then
> people will find it out on their own.
> comments appreciated

I agree it conveys a sense of arrogance rather than just technological

Someone well versed in the English language should probably come up
with an alternative.

In the Untrusted wiki I posted a new entry called Customisation which
aims to explain how to customise dwm by modifying its source and
provides examples on how to do it.

My intent was infact to support novice users who are also novice
developers and want to get their hands dirty but don't have the
confidence (yet) to do it themselves.


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