
Presented just for discussion.  I would personally
like to see a new type DXCC by someone that listed
only countries - not entities.  For example, the World
Radio magazine does have such an award and their list
is a lot more in line with countries not entities. 
However, they won't accept a portable type call (like
Ed in N. Korea)??  Oh well, can't have everything. 
But at least their list don't have places like VU4, 7
or Scar, etc. 

What about a list of true countries for an award to
seek?  I just looked at the ARRL page and the "most
needed" have 9 Islands in the top 15 most needed.  My
personal list of needed (10 DXCC) has only one or two
countries - Yemen and Palestine and the rest are some
island in the middle of nowhere. Does anyone know of
an award for worked countries that are countries
instead of entities?  I know the DXCC is the most
accepted but I might be willing to try another.  

To spend thousands to go to an island in the middle of
nowhere that is uninhabited has gotta raise an eyebrow
or two.  Don't get me wrong - I love working an "all
time new one" but how far will we keep stretching the
envelop just to make a 'new one?'

I wish we could separate IOTA from Countries/Entities.
Just my humble opinion.  Maybe someone needs to come
up with a "Worked UN Nations" award?

73 de N5PHT, Gary

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