There have been guest operations from Mt. Athos in the past.  In 1987, SV2TX
and SV2UA operated from there.  In 1991 DJ6SI operated.  I would bet there
were a few operations before 1987 by guest operators.  A major problem with
guest operators arose after Baldur's operation.  I am recalling from memory,
which isn't so good these days, but Baldur had the permission of someone in
authority on Mt. Athos, perhaps not the proper person but nevertheless a
person of authority, to operate and had the documents as proof that he was
authorized to operate.  He even, again if I recall correctly, stayed at this
Monk's house.  I think Baldur even invoked a portion of the CEPT treaty
which was in force and effect with Greece as a signatory.  Mt. Athos is
probably not recognized as a separate country by Greece hence it covered Mt.

This was a loophole in the system and graciously ARRL allowed it to count.
It was not a Romeo in North Korea type loophole but a circumstance where
permission to operate was obtained albeit perhaps the wrong person issued
the permission.  Wrong person in the eyes of the Monastery but correct in
the eyes of the law at that time.

Anyhow, there arose such a stink from Baldur's operation, rightly or
wrongly, that guest ops were terminated.  I think that stopped the
visitation privileges of radio operators.

It is a frustrating situation to be sure.  On one hand, we all want Monk
Apollo to be quite active but on the other hand, perhaps we realize it is
not the normal situation we interface with when it comes to radio amateur
activity.  The one constant in radio DXCCing is hang in there because it
will probably change but who knows when!


Charlie, W0YG..>>

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