The team expects to be operational here from the 20th of March through the 1st of April.

Callsign is FT5XO.

A team of twelve operators representing seven nations will be
participating in this month long trip. Operators are AG9A, HB9ASZ,
All team members are experienced contesters or DXpeditioners, and 7 out
of the 12 are veterans of at least one previous Antarctic regional DXpedition.

In order to maximize band openings we will have the ability to run up
to 7 stations at once. Operations will take place on all bands from 160m-6m
using CW, SSB and RTTY.  There will also be operation on PSK-31 and EME.

The team has two "Battle Creek Special" verticals for 40, 80 and
160m, single 1/4 wave verticals each for 30m and 40m, plus a full set of
monoband vertical dipoles for 20m and up.  All 1/4 wave verticals and vertical
dipoles were constructed and supplied in South Africa by ZS4TX.

Just like the 2002 DXpedition to South Georgia and South Sandwich there
will be no websites, pilots, or on-line logs. We feel that a DX QSO
made by the hard work of knowing propagation, listening, skillful calling
and paying attention to the DX station's pattern is more meaningful and fun.
We have purposefully advanced minimal publicity about our DXpedition in the
spirit of putting the operator instead of the technology back into the
forefront of the DX chase.

Logisical support in South Africa was provided by ZS5BBO, ZS5NK, ZS5VE,
ZS5GMW, ZS5HV, ZS5IAN and the members of the H.A.R.C.  Equipment and
logistic arrangements in New Zealand were provided by the crew of
The Braveheart,and ZL2BSJ.

The QSL manager for this DXpedition is Garry, VE3XN.
Many thanks in advance for any extra contributions received
with your QSL envelopes.

This DXpedition is funded by the twelve team members and an exclusive
grant from the NCDXF  - The Northern California DX Foundation.
There are no other organizational or commercial sponsors for this trip..

Sincere thanks to the NCDXF for their continued support of
DXpeditioning to the world's most remote destinations.

THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
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