>From Tomalak's Realm at http://www.tomalak.org

MSNBC: Credit-card fraud has become a nightmare for e-merchants.
But in the world of Internet retailing, the customers are always right.
As a
result, whether customers are ripping off merchants or have been victimized
themselves by credit-card thieves, it's the merchants who almost always
end up
losing money.

"Some retailers have devised clever schemes to get around the chargeback
issue. GetPlugged.com, a Westlake, Calif., electronics retailer, asks
customers who want their wares shipped to a different address to call
American Express and ask to have the alternate address added to their
account. “Once they do that, then we as an e-tailer are not liable for
the charges,” says Sunil Mehrotra, the site’s founder and chairman. 

But an American Express spokeswoman says, “That is not our policy and we
don’t want to encourage that” because of the high cost of implementing
such changes."

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