

-----Original Message-----
Date: Thursday, May 28, 1998 11:03 PM
Subject: Re: Anti-abortion group to protest gay fest at Disney

>as to the cheers for what i said thank you.  i may be straight but as the
>saying goes i'm not narrow.
>>By the way, I'm interested to know what peoples impressions of DISNEY as a
>>corporation are anyway.
>Personally i think Disney is great.  the prices to get into their theme
>is a bit steep for my wallet but that's my only complaint about them,
>especially since they've stopped using stereotypical "helpless" maidens who
>need to be rescued by a man characters in there movies.  far too many young
>girls are raised with that type of role model & end up with there self
>entirely based on what some man thinks of them which is a large part of
>wrong with this country.  I may need a man for love & sex but that kind of
>relationship goes both ways & is natural & balanced.  when women think they
>need a man to validate their very existence ie bear & raise his children
>that relationship is copletely out of balance with the man up on some kind
>a pedastle like a certain dead god i recently mentioned.  On that subject
>Starhawk's Dreaming the Dark.  as to the other part of Disney as a company;
>they treat their employees great,  great benes including domestic partner
>benes, great pay, no overwork without proper compensation & even then it
>doesn't happen often or for long, great worker morale, etc.  The only other
>thing i don't like about Disney i would say about the entire industry that
>caters to kids which is the commercialism;  kids are being socialized way
>much that money grows on trees & that there identities are strictly
>by whether or not they own the latest toy or clothing that goes with the
>latest kid movie.  they won't be cool if they don't therefore they will
>suffer.  There's something wrong when a grocery store actually has a toy
>aisle.  You shouldn't need to bribe your kids to behave certain ways in
>certain environements.  & then of course there's the movie partnerships
>Burger King & McDs; talk about unhealthy food.  it teaches kids very
>eating habits.
>As far as I know (and maybe someone will tell me
>>I'm wrong) Disney doesn't really officially sponsor the gay fest anyway...
>no they don't from what i've been told from more than one source several
>organizations & gay friendly travel agencies sponser it.  Disney just
>cooperates & it's not like Disney goes out of there way to do things any
>different during the period that the "gay fest" goes on to cater to the
>lifestyle.  for example they don't to my knowledge do gay weddings in
>Cinderella's castle, not that i'd complain about that. they allow people of
>the same sex to take rooms at the various hotels etc. there year around so
>should it be any different during this "gay fest."  While more actual same
>couples will likely be taking such accomadations during this period than
>periods it could still be the situation of a pair of same sex friends going
>seee the resort staying together simply to save money just like any other
>period.  So if Disney were to ban it during this time they'd have to ban it
>year around not just to avoid law suit but to avoid any appearance of
>impropriety.  & a lot of people would complain about that more than those
>twits in the religious right could shake their self righteous stick at.
>>Someone recently mentioned Disney, at a gay men's retreat here in Montana,
>>as having "done a lot" for the gay community... I didn't really agree with
>>him... I mean, what... "Ellen"?!  Any comments on this?
>the only thing they have done is excepting domestic partnerships in their
>benes packages to their employees but alot of companies are finally doing
>so it's nothing new.  Just because they are so big it's more open &
>My mom works for LL Beans & they offer Domestic Partner benes too as do
>state govt jobs now adays.  as to Ellen it is an NBC sitcom & as a general
>rule i don't like much NBC puts out in the way of comedy these days.  The
>comedy i catch regularly would have to be Spin City so I won't comment on
>Ellen as i can't recall ever seen it.
>>let's wish upon a star that we can SAVE this PLANET before the HATE
>>MONGERS have yahweh's much touted and anticipated doomsday APOCOLYPSE....
>Well bad news there the goddess will be shaking her fleas off shortly; not
>that she hasn't already started but it will such a laugh to watch as those
>same people find out to there shock that it wasn't what they've been told
>will be.
>"God save me from your followers, or at the very least tell em to stop
>me with those damn torches & a stake again, been there once already & it as
>you know SUCKED!"

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