This sounds fantastic. Were I only finished my PhD I would jump at  
this! Very heartening to see that interest in scientific praxis is  
expanding to include exploration of the history, development and  
guiding philosophies of scientia. Graduate students and the scientific  
community as a whole could benefit greatly if graduate programs added  
a mandatory course in HPS to their course roster. Best of luck filling  
this position.


Quoting "T. Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> A postdoctoral position is available at Florida State University   
> with funding from an NSF training grant
> designed to integrate graduate training in HPS (History and   
> Philosophy of Science; http://
> and EEB (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology;   
> index.html).  The postdoctoral associate will begin in the summer or  
>  early fall of 2008 and will be
> responsible for organizing and advising small groups of graduate   
> students working on integrated
> research projects.  The successful candidate will also be expected   
> to foster their own research
> projects with faculty and students in HPS and EEB.
> This unique position requires a diverse background.  Ideally, we   
> hope to identify individuals who
> have a Ph.D. in History and Philosophy of Science (or a related   
> discipline), or in Ecology and
> Evolutionary Biology, as well as graduate training or other   
> significant experience across subject
> areas. To apply, please submit by e-mail: (1) a cover letter   
> describing your background and
> experiences HPS and EEB, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) a statement of   
> research interests, and (4) the
> names and addresses (including e-mail) for three references.    
> Applications and inquiries should be
> sent to T. Miller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]); please put Ā“Postdoc  
> applicationĀ” in the subject line.  Application
> review will begin Dec. 1 2007 and continue until the position is filled.

Christine Creese (Czerniak), PhD Student
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of California Los Angeles
621 Charles E. Young Drive South
Box 951606 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1606

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