Hello, fellow ecologists! My name is David Shiffman, and I'm a graduate
student at the College of Charleston. I study the feeding ecology and
conservation of local shark species.

I also write for a marine biology and conservation blog called Southern
Fried Science. After attending a recent science communication conference, we
are reaching out to scientists in a variety of fields.

The blog covers many topics related to ecology and conservation, and we
regularly have great discussions with scientists, students of all ages, NGO
representatives, and concerned citizens from around the world. Our
discussions can only be improved with the addition of more professional
scientists like yourselves.

We are also happy to serve as the "broader impacts" for some of you. We
always enjoy interviewing scientists about their research, and our readers
enjoy it as well.

I invite everyone to check out southernfriedscience.com, bookmark us and
check back regularly, and join in the discussions by commenting. If you have
any questions about how to do this, or you are interested in describing your
research to our readers, please don't hesitate to contact me at

Thanks, everyone!

David Shiffman

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