Hello, everyone!

I apologize for the departure from pure science discussions, but many
scientific issues are intertwined with the political process. I wanted to
share some disturbing stories of anti-science and anti-conservation

As many of you know, United States midterm elections are coming up. The Tea
Party is a growing conservative political force. Much has been written on
the Tea Party's economic beliefs, but few people know where they stand on
issues of science and conservation.Check out this post on the subject, and
tell your rational friends about it:


Recently, Democratic leadership tried to pass the Shark Conservation Act, a
law that would protect sharks in United States waters, and several other
conservation policies.. Republicans blocked them so that they could claim to
be stopping the growth of big government. Learn more here:


Finally, did you know that there is a "save the light bulb" movement in the
United States? Conservative politicians are against energy-efficient
fluorescent light bulbs! Yes, you read that correctly-they don't want to
save the planet, but they want to save light bulbs. Check it out here:


Your comments on these posts are welcome. Thanks, everyone!

David Shiffman

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